Security services at our school are provided by Orta Anadolu Güvenlik Hizmetleri Limited Şirketi in accordance with the Regulation on Private Security Organizations and supervised by the Administration of Büyük Kolej.

Adequately trained personnel ensure the security of students and buildings at our school. The rules to be followed by security officers are notified to them in writing and their work is constantly overseen by the administrative supervisor.

Our school offers health and security services as required by the Ministry of National Education and local authorities. All measures are taken for the execution of civil defense services in emergencies and dangerous cases. In cases such as fire and earthquake, previously-set procedures are followed in evacuating the school, calling for help, and providing first aid and treatment services. The relevant personnel are given a written notification on their roles and responsibilities in such cases.

The school building is safely protected against any dangers. There are a sufficient number of fire extinguishers and fire alarm systems. They are regularly maintained and checked. During breaks, our students are supervised by their teachers on duty. Our teachers take turns to fulfill supervision duties in all common use areas in the school and are responsible for the conduct and safety of our students wherever they are serving.