Research and Development Activities
For Better
The components of the educational program, namely goals, learning experiences and learning materials, are prepared and the required methods are defined.
New Solutions
A survey is applied to parents, students and teachers in order to improve the institution and eliminate any deficiencies or shortcomings. Developments in the field of education are followed and shared with relevant units.
Efficiency and Effectiveness
In collaboration with teachers, it follows educational innovations and developments and supports students' learning.


It is composed of Measurement & Evaluation and Program Development experts.

The aim of the R&D Department is to cooperate with school management and teachers to support students' learning by enriching the learning and teaching environments, developing projects, conducting research, following innovations and developments related to education, reviewing and improving the curricula and performing measurement and evaluation tasks.

The Department organizes and assesses exams, mid-terms and end-of-term assessments, department exams, Student Admission and Scholarship exams and shares its assessment with the relevant units. It ensures that exam papers are reliably reproduced, packaged, distributed, administered and maintained. Efforts required for a smooth exam experience on the part of our students are delivered. It produces exam statistics and informs teachers and administrators on exam results. It delivers exam reports to students and parents.

The components of the educational program, namely goals, learning experiences and learning materials, are prepared and the required methods are defined. It prepares weekday and weekend worksheets for all primary school grades and guides teachers in preparing primary school projects, performances, rubrics and checklists.

A survey is applied to parents, students and teachers in order to improve the institution and eliminate any deficiencies or shortcomings.

In our day, societies need to update themselves and keep up with the changes in the face of rapidly changing information and ever-improving technology. To that end, program development is of utmost importance in raising individuals equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes conforming to the requirements of the age and in achieving the educational goals at the highest level.

Program development is a process which involves the use of the most appropriate methods, techniques and strategies as well as teaching materials to design and implement the content and instructional situations that are organized to realize and improve the objectives and achievements of the Ministry of National Education both within and outside the school environment. Efforts made in line with the vision, mission and needs of our school in this process are presented below:

  • Examining national and international curricula and developing a curriculum,
  • Cooperating with teachers in the planning of educational experiences for the targeted acquisition and content and developing activities, worksheets, exercise sheets and teaching materials,
  • Introducing the current or future curricula to teachers and parents,
  • Running literature reviews,
  • Planning in-service trainings as needed in consideration of developments and innovations in the field of education,
  • Identifying the problems encountered during the implementation of the curricula and developing solutions,
  • Attending seminars, conferences, etc. to engage in exchanges,
  • Developing projects aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of educational activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can view the Frequently Asked Questions about the R&D Department here.

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